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How to See the Performance

During the performance period, you will receive a message on LINE from "Fah" with the location for the next day.

You will be able to see the performance by just being there at the time and place indicated in the message.

In order to receive a message from Fah, please add Fah as your friend on LINE.

The play score will be posted on the special website and Facebook event page.

Rules for Viewing

By being present at the time and place written in the script, the audience will be able to watch the performance; “Whispering Blue - I heard your voice from the back of a blue car”, where Ryu and Tomo will be staying in Dansai for 7 days.

However, please observe the following instructions.


1) You can only interact, talk to, or touch Ryu and Tomo if they are the ones approaching you. Please keep a distance at least a few meters between you and them.

​2) Please do not let people around you (passersby, customers of stores, etc.) know that you are in the middle of viewing a play. Even if asked, please do not answer them directly.

* Example answer when asked “What are you doing?”

 A: “I think I’ve met these people somewhere, but maybe not.”

​3) Please be aware of cars, people and the scenery around you.


4) At the end of each day, you can check out Ryu’s photos and Tomo’s diary at our website


Please follow what Fah says and read the script carefully before attending. The script will be available and updated each day at

Please add ‘Fah’ via LINE for more information and daily updates.

▼ Fah’s LINE account

  *Required to receive messages about locations and time of the performance.

Line add White.png

​▼Facebook Event Page

▼ Please share our performance on your SNS with "#WhisperingBlue" or "#ฟ้าบอกว่า"

Recording videos and photos are allowed during the performance without interrupting other audiences viewing.

▼ Performance Script

Please read  the Performance Script before you come to see the performance. By being present at the time and place written in the performance script, you are able to see this 7 days-long  performance.  Each Performance Script for next day will be available the evening of  the day before.

▼ Tomo's Diary

A traveller Tomo who is a researcher writes diary each day during the performance period. ​

▼ Ryu's Photo

A traveller Ryu who is a photographer takes photos each day during the performance period.

*Please note that there will be photos and videos taken during the performance for archive purposes. The photos and videos will be shown on website and social media including streaming platforms of the organizer. Please feel free to inform the staff if you wish not to be recorded.

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